Inspiration for Radical Change

/The Rules is part of a sizzling, vibrant, ever-expanding network of groups challenging the zombie orthodoxy and bringing alternatives to capitalism to life all around the world.

Alternative communities

Creating whole ways of living that put a love of life above the love of money.

Auroville Damanhur Findhorn
Auroville - The City of Dawn damanhur Findhorn Foundation

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Independent media

Telling stories free from elite control.

AdBusters Alternet Common Dreams
AdBusters Alternet Common Dreams

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Fighting for radical change using traditional, formal organisational structures.

Ekta Parishad GRAIN Indigenous Environmental Network
Ekta Parishad Grain Indigenous Environmental Network

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Social Movements

Groups and people coming together to fight for radical change.

Common Weal Indignados (15M) Idle No More
Common Weal Indignados Idle No More

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Think tanks

Doing the research and thinking to inform and guide us all.

Global Financial Integrity Institute for New Economic Thinking New Economics Foundation (NEF)
Global Financial Integrity Institute for New Economic Thinking New Economics Foundation

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If there are groups that you think should be included here, let us know at