“For anyone to truly shake things up, they would need to alter the logic of the system itself. They would need to change its pattern.” The One Party Planet
The good news is that patterns are changing. It is people like you and me who are changing them.
Earlier this year, Over 260 grassroots and civil society groups from across the world united to challenge the World Bank’s Doing Business Rankings. Among other rights violations, these rankings enable large-scale land grabs in developing countries. They help expand the neoliberal agenda under the garb of development.
On October 10, 2014, 12 cities across the world, supported by thousands on social media, gathered to protest against the World Bank. It was World vs. Bank and here’s what it looked like.
There are more and more of us, aware of the dominance of the one-party; the neoliberal party. We acknowledge that the rules are rigged against us and we are ready to taken them down.
Uprisings against oppressive governments and corporations taking place all over the world including the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong; the Occupy movement in the US and globally; the Idle No More Indigenous People’s movement in North America; the protests in the UK against the rigged trade deal the TTIP; the New York riots against the police execution of Eric Garner; and of course, Ferguson, Missouri where activists have been fighting the systemic injustice of the system for months.
This is what we can do when we get together and decide to change things. Shaking things up for the better shouldn’t be a difficult task if 99% of the world is up for it.
What do you think?
We are protected by the declariton of human rights , and the power of I am , I’m working on taking houses from banks as well just remember it don’t matter what paperwork the throw at you that only goes to the artificial person your all caps name that ur parents signed when you where born…. And natural law , u are a god men is a god I am the law I am money I am everything I want to be open your mind God says he is made in the image of mankind we are mankind so we are God creator of the law use anyway we lik law had no limits …… Black law dictionary ….