Outside The World Bank in Washingron, DC to protest against the Doing Business Rankings

On October 10, the World Bank met for its Annual General Meeting in Washington DC. We were right outside, not just in DC, but all over the world, condemning and demanding the end of the World Bank’s doing business rankings.

As the Bank discussed its future plans, we put out our demand for a future that doesn’t let corporations get bigger than people.

 Here are a few pictures from various cities that joined the #WorldvsBank protests all over the world.

#WorldvsBank protest in India against Doing Business Rankings

An activist protests in Delhi. Image: Apoorv Tiwary

India: Activists from various civil society and grassroots groups in India got together to discuss the impact of these rankings on land rights, tribal rights, environment and labour laws in India.

#WorldvsBank protest in Delhi, India. Say no to Doing Business Rankings

Protesters in Delhi. Image: Apoorv Tiwary.

#WorldvsBank protest in London. Down with the Doing Business Rankings

World Bank’s offices at Millers Towers were the venue for the protest in London.

World vs. Bank protest in London. No to Doing Business Rankings

Protesters occupied a part of the World Bank’s office in London


World vs. Bank in Bangladesh condemns the Doing Business Rankings

In Bangladesh activists condemned the World Bank from manufacturing poverty.

Protest in Bangladesh against Doing Business Rankings

Activists in Bangladesh.


Young people supporting the WorldvsBank campaign in Lagos, Nigeria

“Nigeria is not for sale,” said protesters in Lagos.

Rev. Billy comes to DC for the funeral of the World Bank

The protest in Washington DC took place outside the World Bank’s office. Reverend Billy led the World Bank’s mock funeral ceremony. Image: Amberjade Mwékali-Tsering.

WorldvsBank in DC. say no to Doing Business Rankings

Protest outside the World Bank’s office in Washington, DC.