It has been confirmed. The controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal is designed to give corporations more power over domestic laws, including environment, labour and other safeguards.
This and other revelations about the TPP came forth after Wikileaks released the Investment Chapter of the deal on March 25, 2015.
Read more about the TPP leak on Common Dreams.
The TPP is being negotiated between the US and 11 Pacific Rim countries. These include Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam.
Like its European counterpart the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), TPP is also being negotiated in absolute secrecy. The Obama administration has even sought special powers to speedup the finalisation of the TPP.
The Investor-state Dispute Settlement (ISDS) clause is the biggest reason of concern. This clause allows corporation to supersede domestic laws. It gives them power to sue the government if any of the policies hamper their business.
Canada, a signatory of the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (1994), is already dealing with the repercussions of the ISDS clause Bilcon, a mining company has sued the Canadian government for $300 million because it stopped a mining quarry for environmental concerns in the Nova Scotia region.
Both TPP and TTIP are facing massive opposition in countries where they will be implemented. The information revealed by the Wikileaks is only going to intensify the protests. The growing income inequality in the world is proof that we can’t let the corporations become stronger than they already are.
Fired up to join the protests against TPP? You check out what’s happening in different countries and show support:
This concerns us all. These free trade Agreements are not an issue of a single Region – this is a global threat creeping across the globe. Citizens EVERYWHERE should oppose their countries, their governments to become slaves of corporations.
Is this ever a step in the wrong direction for Humanity!
Corporations began (if I am not mistaken) as protected mercantile or “nobility” financed prosperity adventures that gave a share of profits to a government (initially monarchies) for its military protection.
Pretty soon We are going to see corporate military forces giving “protection” to governments.
It wouldn’t be for the first time, the East India Company did exactly that – had its own military force .
With two recent developments in the US brought in by the court system there (not voted upon by the average citizen), corporations now have fundamental rights and on top of that, they now have no restrictions on their campaign contributions – the world’s largest economy will now formally have one dollar one vote
It is no wonder that they continuing their work : http://www.profit-over-life.org/index_en.html