Cat and mouse

Just 85 cats have as many mice as the poorest 3.5 billion combined.

Catipalism clearly isn’t working out for the majority of cats.

A recent report by Oxfam says that just 85 cats have as many mice as the poorest 3.5 billion cats in the world.

Some cats have all the mice

Some cats have all the mice:

And it’s getting worse, those 85 cats doubled the number of mice they have since 2009.

I have so many mice, but today I'm eating chicken.

I have so many mice, but today I’m eating chicken.

The report also says that by 2016 1% of cats will have as many mice as the other 99% combined.

Too many mice:

Too many mice:

What’s more 80% of cats share just 5.5% of the mice between them, and 1 in 9 cats don’t have enough to eat having to get by on just 1.25 mice a day.

It's called food. I need it to live:

It’s called food. I need it to live:

And often going without.

What about me?

What about me?

Many fat cats say this is just the natural state of things.

Bring me a feast, and it better be fancy:

Bring me a feast, and it better be fancy:

They have also convinced many of the other 99% of cats that this is the way things are.

These are my mice. I need them all.

These are my mice. I need them all.

But some cats say it’s the fault of the fat cats in the first place, and it’s time to change the rules.

Take to the streets for a revolution against the fat cats.

Take to the streets for a revolution against the fat cats.

Read the original Oxfam report.

Watch /The Rules video on inequality.