“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”–Buckminster Fuller
Revolution’s Bad Name
Revolution has a bad name, because history teaches us that the result of most revolutions is a worse government than the government the revolution overthrew. This can be changed by having the revolution use the Ocean Government system for itself and for the government that replaces the overthrown government.
Revolution Done Well
How to make and perform a revolution has been systematically worked out. Simply visit the following link for the entire plan: http://www.aeinstein.org/
What to Do After the Revolution: Change the System
All current forms of government have proven to be failures. We need a systemic change. If you are interested in a superior form of government that when implemented brings true democracy to the people, then take a risk and experiment with a new system: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B008VVV3T2
How to Make Your Country Follow the Ocean Government System in 3 Steps
1. Start using the Ocean Government system on all small government systems. For example, use Ocean Government for colleges, communes, co-operatives, clubs, churches, temples, institutions, schools, small businesses, and organizations of any and every kind–including this one.
2. Step one will build momentum that can empower the people to insist on demanding larger government systems switch to the Ocean Government system. For example, city, county, and state governments can be pushed to convert.
3. Finally, when the people have enough larger systems using the Ocean Government system then the people can demand the Federal or National government be changed to use the sane, fair, and efficient Ocean Government system.
Take a Risk: Read the Book and Experiment with the New System Wherever You Can.
The Ocean Government system is explained in the book, “How to Govern Anything”. The book is available in ebook form from Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Google, Kobo, and Apple for $6.99.
The space will expand to fit all your text.
Hi Kevin, I’ve been reading a lot of Buckmister Fuller recently, so the quote caught my attention. I shall check out the book.
Thanks for taking the time to post.
Thanks for your interest.
Thanks for the link to the Albert Einstein Institute, Kevin.
Is there an explanation of the Ocean Government system that doesn’t require buying the book?
You are welcome. The Albert Einstein Institute is a great resource and supports many languages. I have not come up with a short explanation for the system that can properly represent or explain it. If I do, I will send you that.