“To be truly radical is to make hope possible rather than despair convincing.”
– Raymond Williams
There is a war going on right now, as you are reading this.
It is a war that all of us are participating in, whether we know it or not.
And it is a war whose stakes are so high that the very future of our economy, our environment and our children’s lives depend on the outcome.
This battle is a battle for ideas — the beliefs and values that govern how the entire world works. And the only way to join the battle is to question your own assumptions and make sure that what you believe — about yourself, the world, and the connections between the two — fits what you feel in your deepest core. You, me and everyone else who cares about our shared future as a species must do this if we are to thrive ourselves; and ensure our world thrives too. As William Blake said: We “must create a system or be enslaved by another man’s.”
Below, I share with you five of most radical ideas any of us can think. They are radical because they challenge the current system and the individuals and organisations that benefit most from it. These ideas fly in the face of five ‘Noble Lies’ (as Plato called them), basic assumptions about who we are and what our role in life is that are the foundation of all modern economics, politics, business, medicine and individual lifestyle aspirations. To embrace the radical, we must first be prepared to give up the comfortable. This can be challenging; a red or the blue pill moment.
What makes it more tricky is that many of the rich and powerful ridicule these five radical ideas, trying instead to sell us all on a ‘rational’ worldview that puts profit and productivity ahead of just about everything else. They have achieved this feat by claiming that the way things are fits the ‘natural’ order of things; that survival of the fittest is a genetic imperative; that the profit motive is elemental and benefits everyone eventually; and that we are all self-interested, rational, utility-optimisers. We — as a race and planet — are now paying for the consequences.
In the words of the great critical thinker Michel Foucault, it is time to ‘excavate’ the foundations of our political, social and economic systems and identify the out-dated assumptions that lie at the heart of them. Then we can, one assumption at a time, discern if they seem to be timeless and true; or false and failing. Are the ideas we run our lives on creating a world of enlightenment, empowerment and enjoyment; or a world of depression, disease and devastation?
I believe that the big 5 myths whose time has come are:
- The myth of the machine: The universe is like a clock. We are cogs within it. We must work and to produce to be of value. If value can’t be measured, it doesn’t really exist.
- The myth of the self: We are atomic units, discrete individuals, destined to be alone (and lonely).
- The myth of competition: We are all inherently selfish and naturally competitive, driven by survival to fight tooth and claw for what we feel we need.
- The myth of personal ownership: Whatever we find or make we should own — no matter how much others may need it.
- The myth of growth: We have to constantly accumulate more wealth, and create more value, in a world of unlimited natural resources.
These ideas may look innocuous, but they are profoundly dangerous. The work as a nested hierarchy, one scaffolding on the surface of the other, ever upwards towards rampant capitalism, corrupt politics and painful, disconnected lives.
Instead, if we switch on, we can embrace five bold ideas:
- The idea of the organism: The universe is alive, organic, interconnected. We are here to create and express.
- The idea of interdependence: We are profoundly interconnected in ways that we can fathom and ways we cannot. The more we feel the interconnection, the more we thrive.
- The idea of collaboration: We are all as inherently kind and compassionate as we are selfish; and can always work together towards a common purpose.
- The idea of sharing: We can share resources, even if that means we ‘lose’ personally; we can give before we get to create a win win win for all.
- The idea of flourishing: We can conserve our resources and focus instead on personal growth and mutual thriving.
These 5 big ideas have not been plucked from thin air — more wishful thinking by an unrealistic optimist. Each is grounded in the latest scientific research into physics, networks, social psychology and animal behaviour. Each has precedent both in the historical record and in tribes and cultures different to our own. Each has been taught for millennia by countless wisdom traditions and indigenous myths. Each has been leveraged for extraordinary impact by the greatest thinkers and leaders of modernity, from Leo Tolstoy to Nelson Mandela. Each is a systemic ‘sweetspot’ — what Buckminster Fuller, the legendary designer and innovator, called a ‘trimtab’ — where a small shift can create disproportionately large change. This is all about cultural, cosmological, metaphysical acupuncture.
If we are willing to surrender the old assumptions and embrace the new ideas — which fit emerging scientific evidence far better, we can change everything that we have created in the ‘real’ world . That includes global warming and child poverty. The Inner Revolution has the power to sweep all before it. Our worst problems can disappear remarkably quickly, as they are simply crystallisations of what we collectively belief.
However, this process is not one that can be carried our purely cognitively, as we will all immediately recognize. Many of the five myths are rooted deep within our minds and bodies, attempting to keep things safe. They are locked in by emotions; emotions designed to protect us from uncertainty and threat.
The Inner Revolution can only happen when we surrender the old beliefs to welcome in the new ones. Without a way to unlock the emotional fear that holds our old beliefs in place, we cannot make the transition (which is why so few people have). We certainly won’t be able to stay transformed. Threats to our livelihoods, friendships, autonomy and more are likely to flip us back into the old ways of thinking. We have to switch on and stay switched on.
Reconnecting our heart — to the universe, to spirit — is the best (and possibly only) solvent string enough to dissolve away our stubborn beliefs and the emotions that lock them in. After 20 years of research and practice, I have developed the Breakthrough Biodynamics process to do this (detailed in my book Switch On: Unleash Your Creativity & Thrive with the New Science & Spirit of Breakthrough). It links spiritual awakening with psychological liberation and, ultimately, social emancipation.
The core of the Inner Revolution has to be spiritual, not political, in nature. As a brilliant historian, Lynn White, wrote in a prescient essay in 1967: “Since the roots of our trouble are so largely religious, the remedy must also be essentially religious, whether we call it that or not.” We are transforming our understanding of human nature away from a worn out cultural narrative towards a fresh, vibrant one: We get to enjoy knowing ourselves as conscious beings that are intrinsically part of, and inextricably interlinked with, a creative, dynamic, conscious universe. Without this, the revolution may be televised but it will not last.
Rosa Luxemburg, one of the pioneers of socialism, said this: “Socialism in life demands a complete spiritual transformation in the masses.” Unfortunately, the Communist movements tried to take an expedient shortcut and miss out the spiritual process — uncontrollable and idiosyncratic as it is — and instead change the people through repression, regulation and re-education. It did not work — could never work — because our indomitable human spirit must be inspired to be liberated; not forced to comply to the will of others. Most governments and social organisations still attempt to change the world using the same crude levers, instead of the messy and marvellous experience of transformation.
The Inner Revolution is not simply an intellectual exercise; cognitive sword-play for the educated elite. Nor is it merely a pretty New Age ideal. Far from it. As we embrace the truth of our existence, we begin to deliver it tangibly in all our actions and creations in the real world. We turn inspiration into action in the form of social enterprises, intentional communities, collaborative consumption, digital and real-world activism, conscious capitalism and scores of other practices and principles that build thrivability over negativity. The Inner Revolution — a politics of judicious hope not cynical despair — is our only chance if we want to stop spending our precious shared resources on things we don’t really need, accelerating injustice and planetary degradation in the process.
This kind of radical self-consciousness — bringing with it the often uncomfortable realization of the complicity of each of our everyday thoughts in the creation and maintenance of a system that, well, sucks for most — is the key to bringing into existence the concrete social justice, environmental sustainability, economic equality and inter-racial peace so many truly hope for.
Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and go out into a sometimes hostile world declaring eternal hostility to poverty, racism, and militarism.
“We must move past indecision to action… The choice is ours, and though we might prefer it otherwise, we must choose in this crucial moment of human history.”
–Martin Luther King
Too tired right now.
I am glad this site is here for Us. It has Good Potential for “More” and “Better”. The more places We have to see these “Radical Ideas”, the Better.
Just as Jacque Fresco said, remove all the money (that makes us slaves), let te techniek work fore us (recourse based economy), and one simple rule, EVERYBODY is equal. To understand this: https://www.thevenusproject.com/
Raymond Vis
I have a registered international company for which I wrote the Articles and Memorandum. This company has all of the principles that are described in the five ideas stated above. I have been giving away my life’s work for the past 12 years and the technology that I developed is gradually being adopted globally. However, everyone now has faith in money and nothing else so I was faced with the task of structuring a company that could allow cash flow to those who did the work and did not require that anyone borrowed money to give their skills, knowledge and understanding to those who own the assets that we are servicing. The oil, gas and water that are transported cheaply and safely through pipelines is also the cash flow of those who claim ownership of those systems. When pipelines leak through corrosion, their cash flow is interrupted, the environment is damaged and sometimes lives are lost. If these ‘owners’ want us to prevent corrosion they must make it possible for us to live to a good standard while we are fulfilling our work. Our company is an international network of specialist individuals working together for a common aim.
Vive le change