Is it possible that destiny takes over leadership in your life?

I assume each of us made experience of sudden shifts in his/her life already.

– Some shifts happen due to mistakes we do ourselves. Most of them can be reversed once we discover it was a mistake.
– But there also happen other shifts that you first do not realize as such until your own life was turned upside down and you discover this shift cannot be reverted anymore.

The second kind of shift happened to my wife and me.

We have been globetrotters for decades and still enjoy this kind of nomadic life. You get in contact with many countries, people and cultures. But you also experience how many people on this planet actually need help desperately.

One of these days our boat brought us to Fort Lauderdale, a wonderful little city along the Florida east coast. We met an extreme spiritual lady, who performed metaphysical seminars. Having studied this science for many years already and also having experienced quite some metaphysical phenomenons we immediately joined not knowing at that time what we went into….

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