“The artivist (artist +activist) uses her artistic talents to fight and struggle against injustice and oppression – by any medium necessary. The artivist merges commitment to freedom and justice with the pen, the lens, the brush, the voice, the body, and the imagination. The artivist knows that to make an observation is to have an obligation.”

— M. K. Asante Jr. in “Bigger Than Hip-Hop”


Musicians, writers and activists gather at The NEST from 21st to 31st of January 2014 to co-create magic and answer the existential question “does my art reflect my truth? Celebrating radicalism, resilience and resistance, everyone is finding their centre and exploring their art and their part in the struggle against oppression.

We’re hosting The Rules, an international intersectional activist collective, who are running the inaugural #Artivism program for the next week. The phenomenal Staceyann Chin (welcome back, Staceyann!!) has several writing and performance workshops, Apple Juice Kid and Pierce Freelon of the Beat Making Lab are teaching the tech behind hip hop and electronic beat composition and the wonderful Ann from Afrolicious delves into coding and interactive power mapping.