Find That Place Of Stillness Within You
For There You Will Discover Just How Much Wisdom
Already Resides In Your Soul

Greetings… as a Poet, Artist Photographer and Earth-nurturer I communicate best using those avenues of expression. As a nurturer and healer my main aim is to share the the healing beauty of this wondrous Earth we all share in hope that I foster a greater understanding and empathy for All.
I do hope this is an appropriate format of blogging here.
Peace and Love for ALL
Tap Into the Infinite Creative Powers of the Universe
Heal Yourself and give healing energy in return

Circle of Life
There is a certain measure of wholesomeness
that connects all aspects of our lives
simple honest wisdoms
that will guide us
basic human survival
can be represented
by a simple garden…
you see, if we keep the Earth healthy
and grow our food in rich soil
then our food will be healthy
if our food is healthy
our body is too
if the Earth & our food & our bodies
are all healthy
our minds will be healthy as well…
…if we feed the Earth
with compost
made from our left over vegetable matter
we enrich the soil
for next season’s crop
which enriches us…
the physical activity
of maintaining a garden
is good for body spirit soul
our renewed energies
help rebalance
the vibrations of the universe
replenishing what has been taken
and so we become
part of the circle
the circle of life;
why is that so hard
for so many to understand?
that connects all aspects of our lives
simple honest wisdoms
that will guide us
basic human survival
can be represented
by a simple garden…
you see, if we keep the Earth healthy
and grow our food in rich soil
then our food will be healthy
if our food is healthy
our body is too
if the Earth & our food & our bodies
are all healthy
our minds will be healthy as well…
…if we feed the Earth
with compost
made from our left over vegetable matter
we enrich the soil
for next season’s crop
which enriches us…
the physical activity
of maintaining a garden
is good for body spirit soul
our renewed energies
help rebalance
the vibrations of the universe
replenishing what has been taken
and so we become
part of the circle
the circle of life;
why is that so hard
for so many to understand?

Art Photography and Writing – Sharon Lee Goodhand
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