In elementary school we are presented the table of elements. Once Democritus had postulated the atom, it became a logical imperative for those that followed to reduce nature to a fixed set of elements. Some went further and broke the atom down so much so that very little remained except dark space. Democracy, in a twisted but popular neoliberal interpretation, allows us to counter this darkness by postulating the freedom of choice to buy anything. This leads to what is called atomization, a skewed tribute to Democritus.
Slew of tar, bromide in
Anticipation, grime of the
Feather’s hurt: an admonition,
A reckoning of two and a half
Yesterdays; the frock of time
Kindly braying a tick, the
Fish in anticipation, a flower
Demanding the forest to bare.
originally posted as the frock of time at
physicians did not think that one day we need to decorticate democracy rather than materiaux ?
Perhaps they did anticipate, but if so, their anticipation was apparently outstripped by their silence on the matter.